Our Ministries

The Deacon Williams’ Food Pantry

The church pantry was named after Rev. Theodore Williams ordained. Perpetual Diaconate on September 19, 1970. After his passage in 1989, Our food pantry serves the Santa Fe Neighborhood exclusively. The Santa Fe Neighborhood is defined as east of 27th & Prospect to West of Indiana South of 27th Street to North of Linwood.

We serve our community neighbors on the second and third Fridays of each month, except in the Month of July. Our pantry is open 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. each Friday.

We require our neighbors to call our Church office Monday through Wednesdays by 10:00 a.m. to receive their groceries on the immediate Friday.

Episcopal Church Women – Jewelry Ministry

Click the image for more pictures.

Our women members meet each Wednesday from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. (weather permitting). All within the community are welcome to come and join us.

The jewelry ministry financially supports various activities and ministries of St. Augustine’s church. They include the Food Pantry, Scholarships for continuing education, Bible study for our youth, and necessary purchases for the church altar and/or the parish house.

They also provide support to:

  • the Church Periodical Club, 
  • Episcopal Community Services,
  • Episcopal Relief and Development.

Jewelry Ministry – Click on the image for more pictures

Church School for Youth and Adults

Classes are held on the first and third Sunday’s following church service.

St. Augustine’s Liturgical Dancers

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